Sometimes i seriously think our house is a circus tent! It is a juggling act keeping these little busy monkeys fed, changed, napped and loved! Lucy and i got a little alone time together this morning, it was really nice! We rarely get time just the two of us these days. Bryce went to pick up his mom, sister and Grandpa up river where they're staying while here and Bryn and Avery were both asleep. First we painted pictures, she made a rainbow for her daddy, and i painted a little Christmas hanging we made. I took a rectangle green piece of felt and traced all three little girls' hands on it, then outlined their hands in black puffy paint (what we always called it as kids:) probably fabric paint by technical name), after it dried i painted in the center of their hands different colors. It's actually really cute! Definitely a low budget idea, but i've tried to do it each year so i have a little collection of hands as they've grown.
After that we decided to do some "school work," one of her very favorite things! Since she's 3 years old she could technically be attending preschool, but since I've got such little ones at home and don't really want her to bring home as many colds as the preschool kids get, I've decided to keep her home. I've always dreamed of homeschooling my children, just a personal preference, so i bought her a couple of homeschool preschool books. She is so smart, it amazes me! She knows all of her letters, by looks and the sounds they make, words that start with them, etc. She also knows her numbers in order and by looks. We were working on all kinds of matching today, food groups, similar objects, capital and lower case letters. After that we took Ditalini noodles (half macaroni) and dyed them colors with a splash (up to 1tsp.) of rubbing alcohol, a few drops of dye in a ziploc bag for 15 minutes, then poured them out onto a cookie sheet to dry on wax paper. When she wakes up from her nap in a bit we will make necklaces or decorations for our tree!
When we were kids my mom was SO good at coming up with those projects for us to do, and i've looked forward to her getting to the stage that we could do some of them together. She is certainly a sweet and fun three year old!
Anyway, kid projects are a new territory for me, but we're getting there!
My mom discovered this blog a while bag and has been urging me to check it out since, it's called, this is where the deodorant recipe is, which i'll post at the bottom of my blog, or if you visit her site you can find a little video on it as well. We love this deodorant, you can buy essential oils to scent it as well, though we keep ours unscented. My mom put it in a wide mouth pint sized canning jar you can buy at Wal Mart or any grocery store that sells the jars, lids and rings. You can even use old deodorant containers and pour the mixture into it, it's totally up to you. Bryce hesitantly tried it, nervous that he would sweat at work and it would go through his clothes, but he has said he does not have that problem at all using it and actually sweats less. I love it because you just kinda scoop the top of it and after you put it on you can rub it into your hands and use it as a natural lotion as well. It is solid in the jar but instantly absorbs into your skin on contact. Coconut oil is a fantastic survival and life resource as it can be used for cooking, lotions, antimicrobial and antibacterial as well. It is rather expensive but it keeps and is very useful. My aunt has previously had cancer and cannot put aluminum into her body, so she uses this as well. Aluminum toxicity has been linked to cancer and Alzheimers and other health problems. Specifically women need to be careful with it as it can lead to breast cancer being absorbed so close to them. Deodorant also has parabens in it which mimics estrogen and can cause problems when built up over time. I started to change over during this last pregnancy to avoid giving the baby any aluminum or anything that may have gone through my system somehow to her. It is also edible and this exact recipe costs less than a dollar per batch.
I hope you find this useful, happy home making!
6-8 Tbsp Coconut oil (solid state)
1/4 cup baking soda
1/4 cup arrowroot powder or cornstarch (arrowroot is preferred)
Combine equal portions of baking soda & arrowroot powder.
Slowly add coconut oil and work it in with a spoon or hand blender until it maintains a firm but pliable texture. It should be about the same texture as commercial deodorant, solid but able to be applied easily. If it is too wet, add further arrowroot powder/cornstarch to thicken.
You can either scoop this recipe into your old deodorant dispensers or place in a small container with lid and apply with fingers with each use. Makes about 1 cup. This recipe lasts about 3 months for two people with regular daily use.
My mama is a writer, it's in my blood. I write to process, to grow, to learn, for therapy. I write in hopes that somehow someone might learn from my mistakes, my pain and sometimes my strength. I believe in Jesus Christ as the center of my life and pray for mercy on my crazy mind as I walk blindfolded through raising four little girls!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
All Natural
There are so many things we have been changing around the Miller house to make them more natural, the way God made them. Over a year ago, when Brynlee was a tiny baby, i switched to using Cloth Diapers to avoid all of the chemicals, the cost of disposables (which costs around $2500 per kid), and since we live in a rural area, the convenience of having them always here, where i couldn't run out (done that before!). We have also switched to a home made deodorant that my mom made for us using coconut oil, we buy all natural soaps from Apple Valley Soaps that make your hair feel FABULOUS! Just recently we cleaned out our cupboards and went to all organic, and are doing a short stage using the Engine 2 diet, which is a plant based, all organic, mostly Vegan diet.
I also hold a very strong opinion about Vaccinations as they have been changed in recent years to include aluminum and other junk i do not wish put into my children's bodies. I got my information and studies from dr.tenpenny (google it) or has a lot of the same information. In fact, i don't even take my children to the Dr. unless they are sick. In my experience, when you deny their "advice" and stick to your guns, you spend over an hour listening to a Dr. sigh because they believe you are endangering your child's health. Can i just ask the obvious question... Do Dr.'s really know what's in the vaccines they push? NO. They push them because that's where the money comes from, but Dr.'s are not studied in alternative medicine as far as remedies, so would they really know what's in those shots? Don't even get me started on prescription drugs and nutrition. I couldn't believe when i read the other day that an MD is only required to have 1 short course of Nutrition! Even though Nutrition can prevent and cure a majority of the diseases that face our culture today, including Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Hormone issues and MANY more. That is one of the reasons why I am studying to be a Holistic Health Practitioner. I am passionate about alternative medicine and getting rid of reliance on pharmaceuticals.
A couple months ago Lucy got Pink eye and i found that getting a green tea bag a little wet and pressing it on her eye takes away the inflammation and the itching. If done regularly, this is an effective treatment for pinkeye, no medication needed, you probably have it in your cupboard, and its cheap! AND it does NOT burn like the medication they give you at the office. Have you ever tried to hold down a three year old and put 2-3 burning drops into both of their eyes twice a day? It requires at least two full grown people, the windows closed so your neighbors don't call the police, and a super calloused heart. Can't say i've ever heard screams like that, so i'll stick with the green tea thank you very much!
My dad has a little bursitis in a few of his muscles from years of basketball and old injuries and i found in one of my books that taking turmeric is as effective as anti inflammatory drugs that the Dr. prescribes only has NONE of the side effects.
One of my goals in getting this blog started is to share all of the ways we're turning our home into a more natural, self-sustaining atmosphere for our children to be raised in. We are also very passionate about being prepared for anything and I'll share with you a few of the ways we've prepared for natural disasters as well as any other kind of disaster that could befall our area.
It's incredibly empowering to take the reigns in our own home and transform our "need" for help into self sufficiency. I am confident that no matter what happens we have done the best to protect our children and raise them with the knowledge that not everyone has their best interest at heart like we do. So many industries are all about money, and i don't want my children to suffer or get diseases, be sterile or any such possibility because of it!
I also hold a very strong opinion about Vaccinations as they have been changed in recent years to include aluminum and other junk i do not wish put into my children's bodies. I got my information and studies from dr.tenpenny (google it) or has a lot of the same information. In fact, i don't even take my children to the Dr. unless they are sick. In my experience, when you deny their "advice" and stick to your guns, you spend over an hour listening to a Dr. sigh because they believe you are endangering your child's health. Can i just ask the obvious question... Do Dr.'s really know what's in the vaccines they push? NO. They push them because that's where the money comes from, but Dr.'s are not studied in alternative medicine as far as remedies, so would they really know what's in those shots? Don't even get me started on prescription drugs and nutrition. I couldn't believe when i read the other day that an MD is only required to have 1 short course of Nutrition! Even though Nutrition can prevent and cure a majority of the diseases that face our culture today, including Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Diseases, Hormone issues and MANY more. That is one of the reasons why I am studying to be a Holistic Health Practitioner. I am passionate about alternative medicine and getting rid of reliance on pharmaceuticals.
A couple months ago Lucy got Pink eye and i found that getting a green tea bag a little wet and pressing it on her eye takes away the inflammation and the itching. If done regularly, this is an effective treatment for pinkeye, no medication needed, you probably have it in your cupboard, and its cheap! AND it does NOT burn like the medication they give you at the office. Have you ever tried to hold down a three year old and put 2-3 burning drops into both of their eyes twice a day? It requires at least two full grown people, the windows closed so your neighbors don't call the police, and a super calloused heart. Can't say i've ever heard screams like that, so i'll stick with the green tea thank you very much!
My dad has a little bursitis in a few of his muscles from years of basketball and old injuries and i found in one of my books that taking turmeric is as effective as anti inflammatory drugs that the Dr. prescribes only has NONE of the side effects.
One of my goals in getting this blog started is to share all of the ways we're turning our home into a more natural, self-sustaining atmosphere for our children to be raised in. We are also very passionate about being prepared for anything and I'll share with you a few of the ways we've prepared for natural disasters as well as any other kind of disaster that could befall our area.
It's incredibly empowering to take the reigns in our own home and transform our "need" for help into self sufficiency. I am confident that no matter what happens we have done the best to protect our children and raise them with the knowledge that not everyone has their best interest at heart like we do. So many industries are all about money, and i don't want my children to suffer or get diseases, be sterile or any such possibility because of it!
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Ideas in the making...
After being inspired by many of my life's biggest cheerleaders, I've decided to erase all past posts of this blog and start fresh with a whole new idea. Life has had big twists and turns as of late, giving us three beautiful little girls in just over three years probably being the biggest!
My mom often tells me i should start a blog about all of the new things I'm learning as a mother, from cloth diapering to using many new organic and all natural products. I will be the first to tell you, however, that i certainly do not wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and think "Wow, people could REALLY learn from me!" haha! But my heart is truly for the Lord, and for young mothers all over the globe! It has been a desire of mine to share with, and be in a group amidst young mothers everywhere for quite some time.
First off, I'd like to start off by saying, there are always dishes in my sink, dirty laundry to be washed, carpets that need vacuumed and seriously scrubbed, and I have only mopped my kitchen floor maybe 4 times since moving in... 4 years ago! There are things i just don't get to, there are piles i pretend do not exist, and thus am not attempting to tell ANYONE how to run their home! My joy in life is truly that my husband supports my desire to be home with our children, teaching them, playing with them, and loving them. I see it as my job to keep our home clean, this family well fed, our cupboards stocked with healthy food, and each need of love individually met. However, i learned long before even having our first child that there is no humanly possibly way to do all of this and keep a perfect home! I admire mothers who spend hours working on their houses and keeping all of their linens clean and folded perfectly in their cabinets. In this house we have a mismatch of random towels and blankets crammed into the tiny space we call a "linen closet" and maybe once a year i go through them and organize it. We have probably 6 mostly used baby shampoo bottles in the bathroom that i will eventually combine into one full one. The point of me saying all of this? The basis of my heart for women and mothers is honesty. We are not perfect! God made me to raise these beautiful children, and i have come to understand the fact that at the end of my life i will not say " I wish i'd kept a cleaner house!" Instead i will be able to remember all the times i sat with my children and read books, made up new games hiding under a blanket, or becoming a human slide. My children go to bed knowing they are loved, not noticing that i didn't scrub their toys with lysol every night, or that i didn't alphabetize their bookshelf.
Incredibly enough for me though, I am supported by an amazing man of God who sees these desires of my heart and whole heartedly stands behind them. He is not the type of man to come home and find something i neglected to do, or be jealous of that fact that i was home with the kids while he worked hard. He always finds something wonderful to say, even on days when nothing gets done. He knows that our children are loved and played with, not ignored or sat in front of a TV for hours. Some women have husbands that have different expectations of dinner on the table, the house to be clean, and i am in full support of this relationship as well. Each marriage is different and if Bryce were to require a pristine home, i would find a way to get that done! I do still try my hardest to do the things he doesn't ask, have dinner ready, the house clean, the children happy and well fed, the cupboards full of food, and his laundry clean and folded. You will notice that i am very traditional in my belief that I was created to be Bryce's help meet. I believe God made me to help Bryce achieve his goals, his vision, what he was designed for. Without me he would have the distractions of keeping our home to keep him from these goals, but with me he can move forward and know that our home is under control.
Incredibly enough for me though, I am supported by an amazing man of God who sees these desires of my heart and whole heartedly stands behind them. He is not the type of man to come home and find something i neglected to do, or be jealous of that fact that i was home with the kids while he worked hard. He always finds something wonderful to say, even on days when nothing gets done. He knows that our children are loved and played with, not ignored or sat in front of a TV for hours. Some women have husbands that have different expectations of dinner on the table, the house to be clean, and i am in full support of this relationship as well. Each marriage is different and if Bryce were to require a pristine home, i would find a way to get that done! I do still try my hardest to do the things he doesn't ask, have dinner ready, the house clean, the children happy and well fed, the cupboards full of food, and his laundry clean and folded. You will notice that i am very traditional in my belief that I was created to be Bryce's help meet. I believe God made me to help Bryce achieve his goals, his vision, what he was designed for. Without me he would have the distractions of keeping our home to keep him from these goals, but with me he can move forward and know that our home is under control.
Just in the last year i have really begun to be passionate about homemaking. It is often a thankless, difficult job, but the rewards are unimaginable. It is difficult to be here on days when my children are going through a slight disobedient stage, but I am thrilled that i get to deal with it immediately and not leave it to a day care provider to handle. I am currently enrolled in a distance learning program to become a Holistic Health Practitioner, as one of my goals is to take my kids' care under my own control in that i want to know what other options are available. I want to know if there is a home remedy i can use to cure common childhood problems instead of getting my children over medicated. I do not support vaccinations any longer but have had both of my children vaccinated in the past. I want to be studied up and educated when it comes to health decisions for my girls, and I believe that I am called to do this program to help other mothers with these choices as well. I have very strong opinions, but i also respect each mothers decisions for their individual child.
I hope that you see this blog as encouragement to you, that you are an amazing mother and you're doing a fabulous job! So your house isn't clean, your child will not remember that at the end of the day. I know from experience that what they remember is if you're always unwilling to play so that you can clean. The number one piece of advice i've received from older mothers is to spend less time concerned about your home and more time with your children, because, as everyone will tell you, it goes by way to fast!
I hope that you see this blog as encouragement to you, that you are an amazing mother and you're doing a fabulous job! So your house isn't clean, your child will not remember that at the end of the day. I know from experience that what they remember is if you're always unwilling to play so that you can clean. The number one piece of advice i've received from older mothers is to spend less time concerned about your home and more time with your children, because, as everyone will tell you, it goes by way to fast!
God bless you in your adventure, and i'd be honored if you'd tune in again while i share some of my ideas, and those i've learned from others, to keep your child healthy and happy!
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